Check out these frequently asked questions...
...and if you have additional questions, just ask us - we're happy to answer!

It's a service that makes composting easy, clean, and hassle-free for you! Depending on which service you choose, either we will come pick up your food scraps from your home (or business) or residential customers can also drop them off at one of our locations.

Composting is a super easy way to benefit the earth in so many ways, like sequestering carbon, regenerating soil and providing a healthy ecosystem under our feet, filtering ground water, closing the food loop, and more. Composting has a 100% recycling rate and makes an impact starting on day 1.

In addition to the perks of joining us, like a convenient member portal, dedicated member support, a referral program to earn $ credit, and annual complementary compost, we take a holistic approach making sure our service is as eco-friendly as possible behind the scenes. 

Here are a few examples.

  • We use a fully electric van on our routes.
  • We donate edible pumpkins in the fall to local farm animals because it's more important to feed a living being before we recycle the pumpkins back into the soil.
  • We use an 100% natural cleaner in reusable bottles to clean bins & keep our pickup routes zero-waste.
  • We minimize water usage and repurpose water, especially in the summer months when our used water is sprayed on  compost piles to keep them hydrated.
  • We have more examples, but this gives you a glimpse of our values.

When you join RE317's mission, you're choosing more than just a composting service. You're choosing to support an organization who's passionate about finding greener ways to do good for our planet.

Nope! We provide you with easy reference guides that'll help you get started and it might take a couple weeks to get the rhythm down - that's normal. Also, we're just a text/call/email away and here to help you at any point. Before you know it, you'll be a pro!

Nope! Actually, using our composting service will take you significantly LESS time than if you were to compost on your own using another composting method.

Yes, we sure do!

Nope - that's what makes this easy! This isn't like composting on your own where you have to get the right ratio of carbon (brown) and nitrogen (green) materials. You just put accepted compostables in your bin and we take care of the rest!

Snap on the bin's lid all the way and the chances of smelling anything will be tiny! Same with bugs. Chances are small, and we're here to help fix it if there are ever smells or bugs.  

No, we don't accept manure, animal waste, or animal bedding (not even from herbivorous animals). Since we're on that topic, we also don't accept compostable diapers or human waste.

Bottom line: if it came from a butt, touched a butt, or had a butt, we don't accept it.

We offer a referral program where all of our members can earn $ credits. We offer discounted rates for certain programs, like neighborhood contracts. However, we do not offer free services.

Residential subscriptions are month-to-month. If you cancel, we'll pick up your bin on your next pickup day, turn off your account, and you'll be all set. 

Have more questions?
Ask away! Email us at or call us at 317-798-0553

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