
At RE317, it’s about doing good and that means doing right by our earth.  

We also recognize doing the “green thing” can be complicated and overwhelming. 

So we’re here to make green choices convenient and meaningful

Why We're In This

First, we are obsessively passionate about how we can lighten our human footprint on our shared planet - it’s what we all have in common and it’s what we leave to our kids.   

Second, we recognize it isn’t about if we can make a difference, but choosing to make a difference.  And while we make individual efforts, it's clear we can make an even bigger impact by making green choices easier for everyone.  So, our efforts might not be pretty or perfect, but they will be good and purposeful.

Where We Want To Go

Oh the places we want to go!  

Even though composting is our current focus, here are a few pieces from our vision.

          (1) bring employment opportunities to our community

          (2) support and partner with local small businesses

          (3) continue enhancing our green service and product offerings to our wonderful community

And we’d LOVE to partner with you if you have ideas or want to get involved – just reach out to us!

Who We Are

Coming soon!

What We're All About

RE317 is about integrity, creativity, passion and purpose. 

We’re also about boldly moving forward because we can't wait for “someone else” to fix it.

Where The Name RE317 Comes From

“Re” is of Latin origin meaning to do again. 

It is the prefix accurately describing RE317’s belief that so many things in life are circular. 

More specifically, compostable waste can either end its re-usable life in a landfill, where it won’t be reused OR we all can choose composting to regenerate elements of the next food cycle - soil, air, bees, worms plus so many other key contributors to the amazing process. 

RE317 - Regenerate - Redefine - Reinvigorate - Reinvest - Reimagine - Reduce - Reuse - Recycle